Cooking Tips

Easy Breakfast to Dinner Chicken Recipes for Your Busy Work Life

Easy Recipes for Busy Work Life

In the fast-paced work life of a professional, finding the time to eat healthy can often take a backseat. However, incorporating chicken into your meals is a simple and effective way to ensure you’re fueled and ready to tackle your busy schedule. Chicken is not only a quick source of high-quality protein but also versatile enough to keep your meals exciting. Here’s how you can integrate chicken into every meal from breakfast to dinner, ensuring each dish is not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits for busy work life professionals.

Quick and Nutritious Chicken Breakfast

Mornings are a rush in your work life, and it’s all too easy to head out without eating.
Start your day productively with quick, nutritious meals that save time.

Chicken and Spinach Breakfast Burritos

Chicken and Spinach Breakfast Burritos: Prepare this with chicken breast boneless, tortillas, spinach, beaten eggs, cheddar cheese over the weekend, wrap them individually, and freeze. In the morning, just microwave one for a high-protein breakfast on the go.

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad

Greek Yogurt Chicken Salad : Mix chopped Zorabian chicken cubes into Greek yogurt, add almonds and a drizzle of honey. It’s as quick as pouring a bowl of cereal but far more nutritious.

Efficient Lunches to Beat the Takeout Habit

Lunch doesn’t have to be a sad desk affair or an unhealthy rush to the nearest fast food joint. With a little prep, you can have enviable lunches and energizing:

Mason Jar Chicken Salad

Mason Jar Chicken Salad: Layer shredded Zorabian chicken leg boneless, quinoa, assorted greens, nuts, and vinaigrette in a jar. When it’s time to eat, just shake it up.

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps: Pack the cooked chicken mince mixed with hoisin sauce, sliced peppers, honey, rice vinegar, peanut butter, water chestnuts and carrots in a container. Bring along whole lettuce leaves for wrapping, and some green onions, assemble at your desk for a crunchy, satisfying meal.

Dinner in No Time

Coming home late with low or no energy doesn’t mean you have to compromise on dinner quality.
Here are quick dinner ideas for your busy schedule, faster than takeout delivery.

Chicken Pesto and Veggies Salad

Chicken Pesto and Veggies Salad: Toss diced chicken, cherry tomatoes, spinach and basil with pesto sauce. Dinner’s ready almost as soon as you step in the door.

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala: Did you know? You can make Chicken Tikka Masala with our pre- marinated chicken tikka packet. This easy to cook recipe will surely make up for the busy workday.

Tips for making it work

Bonus Tips for Easy Breakfast to dinner chicken recipe for busy work life
  • Prep in Bulk: Use your weekends or free evenings to prep ingredients. Cook chicken breasts, chop veggies, or make sauces and store them in the fridge or freezer.
  • Invest in Quality Containers: Invest in quality, leak-proof containers to keep meals fresh and prevent spills.
  • Slow Cookers and Instant Pots Are Your Friends: These gadgets are lifesavers for quick and remote meal preparation.

10 minutes is all you have?

Here are some suggestions that would perfectly fit in different tastes and choices


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Discover the ultimate chicken experience with Zorabian Fresh Chicken, available both raw and in mouthwatering marinated options like Chicken Tikkas, alongside an enticing range of Ready-to-Cook Chicken Products. Find us at your convenience online through Big Basket, Zepto, Blinkit, or in-store at modern trade outlets such as Nature’s Basket, as well as at our trusted general trade partner stores near you. Elevate your culinary adventures with friends and family, relishing your cherished chicken dishes. For an extra dash of inspiration, visit the Zorabian blog, where we share a collection of delectable chicken recipes that promise to delight your taste buds and enhance your cooking journey.

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